Tudor Dining Club Eastcote
Leaflet with more information
Leaflet with more details below (Opens PDF)
Find the Club on Facebook here
Prices correct 2022. Annual membership £5.00. Meals (lunch) around £5.00 for three courses
Tudor Club Field End Road Eastcote
Tudor Club Dining
Especially for the over 60's
Why stay at home? Find a friendly welcome at:-
Tudor Club
461 Field End Road
020 8866 8603
"You may have noticed a small building tucked away in Field End Road? Ever wondered what goes on within? Well, we are Eastcote's best kept secret!
Conveniently located on the 282 bus route, The Tudor Club is a members only luncheon club for the over 60's, through a small annual membership fee. We are a charity, open every week day, providing a healthy 3 course, home cooked lunch. This is all freshly prepared and baked by our experienced cooks, on our premises.
It really is a lovely, friendly place to come for some good wholesome food, at a subsidised rate - and to have a chat and some company.
We have after lunch activities 3 days a week - including the ever popular game of Bingo. If you care to join us, we also enjoy days out, occasional holidays, weekend activities and entertainment at the club on a regular monthly basis."
Visit the Tudor Club Eastcote web site